Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mah Muzak

Edit: April 17 2009
I find this post a touch ironic. My current project in my Graphic Design class is to design a CD cover. I'm doing one for Skillet's album Comatose. Yes, very ironic.

Why is it that I work better plugged into my headphones, music blaring? I can't work well when the apartment is quiet. Soft music is about the same, even though I enjoy listening to it. Classical and Celtic in particular. When I have a paper due, or I'm just sitting on the bed sketching I need to have my rock music on.

For instance, right now I have BarLowGirl's "Let Go" playing. Oh, just changed to "Jesus Freak" by DC Talk. Check them out on iTunes. Guitars, drums, pretty loud. Nowhere near anything like hard rock or heavy metal, but still pretty noisy.

Maybe it's the influence of too many movies. How can you tell a person is working hard and making progress when you're watching a movie? The soundtrack will start playing fast, loud music while the sceen shows flashes of work and closeups of the actors' faces when they're thinking particularly hard. In one word, a montage.

So, in my head I've associated hard work, definitive progress, and ultimately, success, with fast-paced rock music that dwindles away to silence in the scene's climax. And who doesn't want to have their own soundtrack? Right now mine is Emery's "Ten Talents". Will I stand my ground and hold? I'd like to think so . . .

On a similar note, who doesn't walk along plugged into their iPod pretending it's their personal soundtrack?

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